Fill in the blanks

Posted by mna@eejam | 12/17/2008 03:14:00 PM | 0 comments »

Can you fill in the blanks:

1) I will NOT trade if/when __________________________________________

2) I will ONLY trade LONG if/when ____________________________________

3) I will ONLY trade SHORT if/when ___________________________________

4) I will STOP trading for the day if/when ______________________________

5) I will STOP trading if I lose ____ pips or _____ trades in a row or $_______

6) I will STOP trading if i make ____ pips or _____ trades in a row or $______

7) I ONLY trade between the hours of _____ and _____

8) I ONLY trade on Sun( ) Mon( ) Tues( ) Wed( ) Thur( ) Fri( ) Sat( )

9) I will NEVER trade if/when ________________________________________

10) I ALWAYS do this BEFORE I begin trading ___________________________